Our Church School

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father."

Matthew 5:16

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Our Gospel Values

Hope, Love, Friendship, Forgiveness, Truth, Pereverance are our school Gospel Values. Each is a focus for one half term and links to our RHE curriculum "HeartSmart"

Our School teams are also named after each of these values.

We also celebrate how our pupils SHINE (Succeed, Help Others, Inspire, Never Give Up and Engage).

Spirituality in the Curriulum

Spirituality moments are planned for throughout the curriculum using WOW, OW, HOW, NOW, VOW and POW. The image is an overview of each category - it is also available below to download and take a closer look at.

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Collective Worship

The schools Collective Worship weekly programme is as follows:

Monday -Whole school traditional worship in school hall

Tuesday - In class Picture News assembly (display board is pictured)

Wednesday - Whole School - worship songs in school hall

Thursday - Whole school traditional worship in school hall

Friday - Whole School Weekly Celebration 'SHINE' assembly in school hall

Our Church

Click here to be taken to St Aidan's Church website.

We access the church regularly for key service such at Christmas, Easter and End of Year services. We also take part in Experience Christmas and Experience Easter workshops.

During the year, Year 6 attend and take part in Communion Service on a Wednesday morning.


Beacon Service

Once a month a special Beacon Service takes place in church and is open to all school families. Our amazing "Beacon Singers" perform in the services and often lead the readings and prayers.

STAs 4 All

Once a month the church service comes to school! STAs4All is for all families. Watch the video (by our ex-pupil Megan) for information about the services.