Blossoms 2 year old provision 2024 - 2025

Mrs Cunliffe

St Aidan’s Blossoms

‘Allowing children to bloom in their own season’


Welcome to Blossoms, our 2 year old provision. 

The session for two-year-olds runs every morning in term time from 8.45am until 11.45am. There are 5 places for two-year-old children.



At St Aidan’s Primary School, we aim to support our two year olds by:

  • building positive and productive relationships with families to promote learning and well-being
  • developing secure attachments for children as a basis for learning
  • working in partnership with other agencies where appropriate to share information for the benefit of children
  • offering a welcoming and stimulating indoor and outdoor environment with a wide range of age-appropriate learning opportunities
  • building and developing vocabulary
  • accelerating communication skills through conversations around well-chosen play and other practical experiences
  • inculcating the children with a love of stories and other books to further enrich their language and understanding of the world around them
  • offering fine and gross motor challenges to build physical skill and confidence
  • encouraging healthy food choices and participation in social mealtimes
  • accelerating their self-help skills to build their independence and confidence
  • monitoring their progress accurately and accelerating their learning in preparation for attending our 3-4 year provision.



Relationships and routines

In accordance with the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage framework each two year old is assigned a key worker, with no more than five children for each adult. Key workers will learn more about the children and share information about the child prior to the child starting.

Parents are encouraged to attend a stay and play session to share any information or concerns. At the end of each session, key workers will give a little informal oral feedback to families about the activities and achievements of the day.

To promote security each day has a predictable pattern. At the beginning of each day, children come together for a short whole group meet and greet time and hear about the activities on offer that day. Key workers then support children in adult led tasks or in their play choices. Self-help and resilience is encouraged throughout the session. The session is broken by a group snack time where the children have the opportunity to try a range of healthy foods and chat with their friends. The group meets together at the end of the session to share a story and songs before children are handed over to families.


The Curriculum

The programme of learning has the three Prime Areas at its heart. Each day children are invited to enjoy a range of activities with adults observing closely. Learning challenges are derived from the EYFS Development Matters Non-Statutory Guidance. As  children demonstrate particular needs or special interests activities and resources are shaped to reflect these and promote rapid development.

Learning takes place in the ‘Blossoms’ quiet area, in the outdoor area or in the nursery. (Two year olds are not allowed in the reception classroom, due to small, loose parts in the provision). The curriculum also reflects special events locally and nationally and the rhythm of the year in the natural world. Families are invited to share in the learning using Tapestry.


Positive Learning Behaviour

Relationships with key workers are central to behaviour management. They support children sensitively in their behaviour with respect for their stage of development. Two year olds have very strong emotions and are still learning to manage these. Our EYFS team set clear boundaries around respectful interactions but accept that two year olds are still at the early stages of self-regulation. Approaches to promote positive behaviour and modify inappropriate behaviour will be particular to individuals and discussed fully with families.


Learning in Action

Key workers observe children learning and capture this in electronic learning journals on Tapestry. Attainment is checked against age-related expectations and progress is tracked using our ‘I can’ statements. The curriculum offer is responsive to this assessment information and reflects ongoing needs and strengths.


Partnership with Professionals

If key workers observe specific difficulties as children are learning and playing they will speak with parents in the first instance to learn more about the child’s development at home. With parental agreement key workers may discuss strategies to support the child with the nursery and school SENDCO. Specialist advice may be sought from other services such as the Speech and Language Therapy Service or Educational Psychology Service with parental consent. The impact of any particular intervention programmes will be measured.


Partnership with Parents

Parents will receive a 'daily sheet' with information of the activities their child has taken part in, who they have played with, what they have eaten etc. Parents are strongly encouraged to contribute to their child’s electronic learning journal to create a rounded picture of their growing skills and knowledge. 


Moving Forward

The progress of the two-year-old cohort is tracked as they progress, using their ‘Blossoms I can’ statements to ensure that they build upon their achievements.

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