Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Moore
Mrs McConville
Year 6 Homework
In Year 6, there is an expectation to complete around 2 and a half hours of homework, per week on average, which can include 10-20 minutes of daily reading.
- Daily reading to parents/carers and/or independent reading. Remember to complete reading journals!
- Spellings to be practised at home each week using Spellzone/Nessy
- Times tables and number facts practice using Times Tables Rock Stars
- Maths linked to classroom learning, and specifically targeted maths as appropriate to individual children, set on MyMaths
- Other curriculum tasks as appropriate - see HALF TERM 2 - HOMEWORK PROJECTS
- Science through accessing Developing Experts quizzes
- Computing using the work found on
- Digital citizenship: preparing children to thrive online using natterhub
Your child has been given all their passwords - but we have copies in school if they go missing!
Thank you,
Mr Moore
YEAR 6 COMPUTING LINK - Brute Force Hacking on Scratch -
IPad Powerpoint Help Guide
Files to Download
2. Prophecy Lesson Bible Vocab Decoder Sheet.pdf Activity Extract from the 1841 census.pdf Activity Victorian factory images.pdf Teacher resource Henrietta s story.pdf Resource The 1851 Census.pdf Census Unit vocabulary Word wall tiles History.pdf KO What can the census tell us about our local area 2024.pdf Resource 1851 Census transcript.pdf Resource Census glossary.pdf AA AB NM.mp3 CB EM.mp3 JL AG.mp3 EE ML EM.mp3 EI MW LT.mp3 AM ST.mp3 AL OC IHB HSB JC.mp3 OA AP.mp3 IC IM.mp3 JWP KW.mp3 Information Sheet Koppen System Table A3.pdf Dodo.ppt 6.[3] Revelation 21. 9-27 - Activity Pack.pdf 6. [2] Revelation 21. 1-8 - Activity Pack.pdf 6.[4] Revelation 22. 1-5 - Activity Pack.pdf 6. [1] Acts 1. 1-11 - Activity Pack.pdf Activity data encoding template.xlsx counts entries 10 weekday sample.xlsx Fact-files-Computing-heroes.pdf ___Pilgrimage Info Sheet.pdf 1.1 Animal List for worksheet 1a 1b.pdf